Why vehicle sharing?

Need to run a quick errand? Exclusive to our tenants, book a shared vehicle easily with just one click. We want to provide you with an amazing living experience. We lead in Build-to-Rent innovation, focusing on digital integration and tenant-first amenities.

Live Reaction: The first time our engineers remotely controlled a Tesla in Australia from New Zealand

A cool insight into our innovation, engineers controlled a Tesla remotely from New Zealand, operating vehicle functions across the ditch in Australia.


Book Your Ride

Experience the convenience of booking your ride with our simple and user-friendly calendar. Select a date and time with just a few clicks and enjoy seamless access to our vehicle sharing service. Our intuitive booking system ensures you can plan your trips efficiently and hassle-free.

Solving real problems

Cost Efficiency


Reduces Parking Congestion

Ideal for Errands

Environmental Impact

Flexibility for Urban Lifestyles

Sharing vehicles cuts down on expenses related to car ownership such as maintenance, insurance, and parking fees, making it a cost-effective solution.

For apartment dwellers, especially where parking is a premium, not having to own a personal vehicle alleviates the burden of securing parking daily.

Vehicle sharing decreases the number of cars that need parking, reducing parking congestion and making management easier for residential complexes.

Perfect for running quick errands, vehicle sharing allows you to book a car only for the time you need it, enhancing convenience and efficiency.

Lesser vehicles mean reduced emissions. By sharing cars, we contribute to lesser pollution and a smaller carbon footprint.

Especially useful for those who work in city centers and do not require a vehicle daily. Sharing provides access without the costs and hassles of ownership.